About the El Mirage Dry Lake

El Mirage Dry Lake is located in the high desert
of southern California, approximately 19 miles northwest
of Victorville and 30 miles northeast of Palmdale.
Although the dry lake bed itself is mostly owned by the Bureau
of Land Management (BLM), much of the surrounding land is
privately owned.

The area is popular with recreational vehicle enthusiasts
operating sailplanes, gliders, ultralight aircraft, and
motorcycles. Often, organized races and other events are scheduled
on holiday weekends. If you wish to call for upcoming events,
you can contact the BLM.

The BLM operates a visitors center on the east "shore" of the lake
bed. It is accessible by unpaved roads only. You will recognize
the parking lot of the visitors center for the two light armored tanks
sitting there, prominently protecting the eastern entrance.

As the BLM patrols the area and enforces all state and federal laws,
visitors need to be aware that they must abide by off-road vehicle
registration requirements and other regulations governing camping,
campfires and firearms.

For specific information, the BLM Information
can be reached by phone.

Updated on 05/25/96
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